Sense4Boat Partners
Companies and organisation working closely with Sense4Boat to increase the safety of boats and protect the marine environment
D-Marin is dedicated to providing a premium service in marina management and development, offering distinguished experiences to clients and outstanding standard of quality to business partners.
All boats with a yearly contract in any D-Marin marina receive a custom set of Sens4Boat sensors included in their berthing fee.
S4B Certified Partner Marinas
When a boat is docked in one of our partner marinas, in case of water ingress, detection of smoke or dangerously high temperature on the boat, the marina staff will be notified automatically, enabling them to quickly check on the boat and ensure it’s safety.
Marinas who are our Certified Partners have built in verified processes about what to do in case of any relevant alert comes from a boat equipped with Sense4Boat sensors.
Croatia Insurance
Croatia InsuranceĀ is the largest and oldest insurance company in Croatia. As the market leader, they are strongly orientated towards digitalisation and to answering tomorrows challenges.
Any boat equipped with two or more Sense4Boat sensors is elegible for an additional 15% discount whne purchasing or extending their boat insurance policy.
Blue World Institute of Marine research and conservation
D-Marin is dedicated to providing a premium service in marina management and development, offering distinguished experiences to clients and outstanding standard of quality to business partners.